Artist Profile


1984, Guatemala
Alexander Zuleta artist at Sholeh Abghari art gallery in Marbella

Artist Profile


1984, Guatemala

Alexander Zuleta is a visual artist who challenges contemporary classifications. He works with formal painting techniques and other experimental tendencies in painting. Mundane and poetic lyric, within everyday objects the fragility of cultures in Latin America and the world. Plus Readymade. One of the main themes has been a constant study influenced by childhood issues that have led him to investigate the existence of forms, objects and humanity, which make up the subject. And by questioning the reason for them; in space and time. His works and proposals have now responded to his personal concerns that are derived from concepts, reflections and emotional experiences of his country and abroad in public spaces and the questioning of the production of the new globalized world. Today his work is the object of being part of private collections in various parts of the world.

To me, the people in the family album photos have always seemed alive, attractive and even beautiful. But the main inspiration for me to use them in my work has always been Alas! they no longer live. It’s years and decades now that their lives have ended and they are now being decomposed and decayed beneath the ground. But on the other hand, they are still with us; because of the photos that we have and this is the miracle and magic of image The artist says.


B. October 1984, Guatemala.
Graficos Design Degree at Universidad del Istmo de Guatemala. Philosophy

and Art Degree at CODARTS, Hogeschool Voor de Kunsten

Collective art exhibitions:

3ra. Muestra Centro Americana de Arte Emergente en el Museo de
Arte y Disefio Contemporaneo de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)

Joven Estampa en la Casa de las Américas Cuba en el Museo de las
Americas (Cuba)

Palacio de Bellas Artes México (México)
Exhibition at Sala Clemente Orozco (Mexico)
Exhibition CODARTS 2003 (Heland)
Juannio 2005, 2006 and 2007

Exhibition at Fundacion Rozas Botran (2005)

Palacio Nacional de Cultura, Alianza Francesa (2006)
Collective art exhibitions:

Madrid Art Week. Urvanity — Spain (2021)
Masterpieces, Uniq Luxury Art — Mexico (2021)

Tago Art Fair, Tulum — Mexico (2020)

Arte vivo, Museo Jumex, Mexico City (2020)

Yo soy name, museo nacional de arte, Mexico City (2020)
Urvanity Art Fair, Spain (2020)

Modern & Contemporary Art Show, Marbella — Spain (2020)

3ra. Muestra Centro Americana de Arte Emergente en el Museo de Arte y
Disefio Contemporaneo de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)

Joven Estampa en la Casa de las Américas Cuba en el Museo de las
Américas (Cuba)

Palacio de Bellas Artes México (México)
Exhibition at Sala Clemente Orozco (Mexico)
Exhibition CODARTS 2003 (Heland)
Juannio 2005, 2006 and 2007

Exhibition at Fundacion Rozas Botran (2005)

Palacio Nacional de Cultura, Alianza Francesa (2006)

Grant at Fabien Fryns Artist Residency (Malaga, Spain) Grant
at Huntress of Art Residency (Madrid, Spain) Auctions:
Fundacion Laguna (Madrid, Spain)

XXV Edicion Subasta Arte Vivo


2015 ArtBassel Independent Gallery.

2007 National Hall of Engraving Casa de las Américas, La Habana Cuba. Selected

2007 Second Place Contest Pintura Helvetas de Guatemala, Swiss Embassy in Guate- mala.
2007 Finalist Contest Valoarte, Costa Rica 2007.

2006 Sta Visual Arts Biennial of the Central American Isthmus El Salvador 2006
Obra Seleccionada.

2006 Second Place Contest Alianza Francesa in Guatemala, Emerging Artists. 2005,
2006, y 2007 Finalist of Latin American Art Juannio Guatemala.
Selected Solo Shows:

2021 Changing Nature – Fundacion Pons, Spain

2020 sustainability week, where I will present my exhibition “Sustainability in times of
Pandemic”, IE Creativity Center – Spain.

2019 Golden Prize. Merit award in Venice Biennale. Exhibition.

2019 Symphony of the Seas. Project Art Contemporary.Collection RC. Europa.
2018 Galeria de Arte Mexicano Puebla. Proyecto Iximche. Mexico.

2017. Jacks Balls Sculptures.

2017 Huntres of Art, Over Time 2 Galeria Club Alma. Madrid Spain.

2016 Help World Project, Artcali. Museo La Tertulia. Cali,cColombia.

2016 Galeria Mirat&Co, Over Time. Madrid Espafia

Game Abstraction, Public Project. Edificio Europlaza. Guatemala. 2015 Galeria Ram- ses,
Game Over Madrid Espafia

2015. Galeria Hotel Intercontinental Guatemala ironia sobre tela

2013 Fundacion Galeria Rozas Botran, Elemento Zero 2013
2nd. charity auction, Banorte-Laguna foundation. Sotheby’s, Madrid, Spain. 2019

Fundacién Ortiz Gurdian. Nicaragua.

Museo de Arte Moderno La Tertulia. Cali, Colombia.
Pare Sama museum. Tarragona,Espafia.

Museum Palau Dalmases. Barcelona.

Imago Mundi Art Collection. Biennal Venecia.
Collection Borja Duran. Madrid. Espafia.
Fundacion Carmen Thyssen. Malaga. Espafia.
Tarrawarra Museum of Art. Australia.

Collection RC. Symphony of the Seas. Europa y America.
Inocente Inocente Foundation, Madrid, Spain.

Lives and works in Guatemala, Mexico DF and Madrid (Spain)

Alexander Zuleta

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